We offer an individual service but combine our skills and knowledge where appropriate. Please contact us using the details below.

Our Agronomists

Steve Baldock

Steve Baldock

Norfolk, Suffolk & Cambridgeshire

Andrew Blazey

Andrew Blazey

Essex, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire

Ruairi Hollins

Ruairi Hollins

Norfolk & Cambridgeshire

Alistair Neill

Alistair Neill

Norfolk & Essex

Richard Pooley

Richard Pooley

Cambridgeshire & Norfolk

Colin Smith

Norfolk, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire

James Southgate

James Southgate

Essex & Suffolk

Environment & Stewardship

Georgie Salmon

Georgie Salmon

Environment & Stewardship

Sara Harrison-Osbourne

Advising in Essex & Suffolk

Sara Harrison-Osborne


I started my career in agronomy over three decades ago as an arable adviser after graduating from Newcastle University with a BSc Hons in Agricultural Botany. I have never stopped learning since and continue to enjoy advising farmers whilst adapting to changes in agricultural policy and cropping regimes. 

Working in the independent sector allows me to always advise in the clients’ best interest with the aim of improving their profitability and the long-term sustainability of their business.

My work in Essex and Suffolk covers some of the most difficult to control grass weeds in the UK. Integrated control measures I advise include changes to cropping, cultivations and agronomy as well as agrochemical control.

I also work with the AHDB to provide crop condition and harvest yields information on combinable crops for their regular reports.